This article popped up on my newsfeed and I felt compelled to share the link here and give it even more exposure! It was really inspiring and heartfelt and true. I can't tell you how much it means to me when my friends shares posts about infertility and changes her cover photo to support NIAW (National Infertility Awareness Week). They don't struggle with infertility but they still supports me because they're my friend and their hearts break for others who struggle with infertility. I think it's so important for us as women to stand together. Mothers with non-mothers, and vice versa.
"When more people understand the impact infertility has on people, we will finally see real change happen. For us, we want to see infertility covered by health insurance like any disease, we want to see more empathy for those living with infertility, and we want to see more awareness and education. If moms everywhere raised their collective voices and pronounced that people with infertility matter, we would finally see that transformative change we so badly need."
- Barb Collura, President and CEO of RESOLVE
"This makes an infertility diagnosis doubly difficult. Outside of the physical and deeply emotional somersaults required to reconcile that pregnancy may not happen easily or at all, we're also on the hot seat to explain why we don't have children — as if it justifiably detracts from our worth or contribution to society."
- Pamela Tsigdinos, author of Silent Sorority and an advocate for the child-free community
"Tsigdinos believes that a woman's worth shouldn't be defined by parental status. When women of all roles — mother or otherwise — take an active part in raising awareness about infertility, they stand together in feminist solidarity for the value and worth of all women, no matter their roles, stations, and paths in life.
And, for women who have never experienced infertility, I hope they never do. But that doesn't mean that they can't take a moment right now during National Infertility Awareness Week to help raise awareness, spread the word, and make a difference for millions who want nothing more than to be a mom, too."
- Keiko Zoll